The Finance Committee is having Haddon Planning hold a retirement seminar on Wednesday February 19th in building 38 assembly room (where we voted for union elections) for anyone who is interested. Those who are thinking of retiring in the near future, should attend. These seminars are very informative, and we highly suggest you take the time to listen and learn strategies in addition to how to set goals for your financial future. Warren Buffett once said, “Predicting rain doesn’t count; building arks does.” Investing is a process that involves challenges and opportunities. The finance committee believes luck is when preparation meets opportunity, so we want our members to be prepared when opportunity arises. There will be 3 seminars for all 3 shifts scheduled at the following times:
Third shift 730 am
First shift 1200 pm
Second shift 430 pm
USW Local 10-00086 Finance Committee
Paul McKeown ([email protected])
Sherman Washington ([email protected])
Johnny Beidler ([email protected])