Test event

Test Location 608 Garfield Ave, Lansdale, PA, United States

this is a test event this is a test event this is a test event this is a test event this is a test event this is a test event this is a test event this is a test event this is a test event this is a test event this is a test event […]

Local Executive Board Meeting

Union Office 608 Garfield Avenue, Lansdale, PA, United States

This is the monthly Executive Board meeting. All members of the Executive Board are expected to attend unless otherwise excused by President McCafferty.

USW Civil and Human Rights Committee Meeting

California Room California Room Building 53

This is the CHRC’s monthly meeting. All members are encouraged to participate. Here, we breakdown current events and their impact on the Local Union. Obviously, we can only accommodate a limited amount of members so please contact Gary D. Holland for further information.

USW Shop Steward School

St Helenas 1489 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA

This years Shop Steward school will be Friday September 6th. We will go over Contract language discussions, Grievance Writing basics and a meet and greet with you local HR Business partners. Please plan to attend if you are a steward as you are the front line of defense for the members on the shop floor. […]

Monthly Membership Meeting For September

St Helenas 1489 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA

This is a reminder for the monthly membership meeting, held on the second Monday of every month. The meeting is open to all members of Local USW 10-00086. Attendance is crucial as it provides an opportunity to receive updates on local matters and engage in open dialogue with union leadership. Food and drinks will be […]

2025 Negotiating Committee Meeting.

Union Office 608 Garfield Avenue, Lansdale, PA, United States

This is going to be an all day event with the newly elected Negotiating Committee. This is NOT a meeting with the Company just our Local Committee. We are posting as much information as we can to keep our membership abreast as to where we stand during the whole negotiating process. We appreciate the love […]